49. A Honest Report of Everything That Helped Me Heal My IBS

At my recent training a peer asked me, "how did you heal your body image issues?" I found myself unable to answer that question specifically. What did I do? It felt like it was a combination of so many things over the years that led me to the place I am today. 

This got me reflecting on my entire healing process and all the different components I have utilized to arrive at this place now - lovingly connected to my body, trusting of it, comfortable in it, and my gut health being the best it's ever been. So I explore that and share honestly about each of the pieces that played a role. 

This is a really important episode to listen to if you struggle with being in the IBS-stress cycle. Do not miss it!

Join the masterclass: From Managing Symptoms to True Healing: Break Free of the IBS-stress Cycle

Get on the waitlist for the upcoming group program, Gut-Brain Healing Toolkit: Join Waitlist

Take the free quiz: Gut Issues? Find Out If Your Nervous System Is The Cause!

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To find out more: www.trustyourguthealth.com

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