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Discover the Missing Piece to Break Free from the IBS-Stress Cycle

Learn why traditional approaches fail and how healing your gut-brain connection can provide lasting relief.

Feeling stuck in an endless loop of gut issues, stress, and ineffective treatments? You're not alone. Join us to explore a groundbreaking approach that goes beyond diets and quick fixes to address the root cause of your symptoms


If you're experiencing any of the following problems, this masterclass is for you:

Your gut symptoms intensify the stress and anxiety you already struggle with, which then makes your symptoms worse. 

Those suggested diets (I'm looking at you, low-FODMAP) and supplement protocols? They seemed to offer your symptoms a mere "time out."

✔Your life seems to revolve around your symptoms, and you live with fear of the next flare-up. 

Despite many rounds of a SIBO or dysbiosis protocol, your symptoms keep coming back.

Each meal turns into an anxious game of symptom roulette, leaving you unsure whether you'll be unbuckling your pants or spending extra time on the toilet.

You might wonder if you'll ever find the right solution. But a bigger part of you isn't ready to give up, because you know your health is priceless and you believe there must be a missing piece.

If any of those ring true, then you are likely trying to solve them by:

Eliminating more foods from your diet.

Constantly monitoring and obsessing over your symptoms and bowel movements.

✔Searching the sea of wellness advice for the one thing you haven't found yet (which leaves you more confused & overwhelmed).

Trying that SIBO protocol one more time because maybe this  time it will make a difference. 

Buying a new supplement you heard about thinking it must be the missing piece. 

Using stress management tools (meditation, journaling, yoga, or breathwork) but the relief is short lived. 

these "fixes" may actually be keeping you stuck in the IBS-stress cycle.

Good news: the key to true healing is waiting for you on the other side of this button!

In this masterclass, you will learn:

 The often-overlooked key to lasting relief from IBS and chronic stress.

 Why typical diets and gut-healing protocols fail to deliver in the long term.

 How temporary stress management doesn’t address the underlying issues.

 The five crucial steps I personally used to heal my gut-brain axis, which I now use to guide my clients toward lasting health.

 A transformative new perspective on your symptoms, empowering you to trust your body again and promote true healing.

Hear from those who have put this approach to practice:

Hi, I'm Demi!

Your partner on this journey to lasting gut health. My own battle with IBS spanned over two decades, during which I tried every remedy under the sun—from restrictive diets to extensive supplement regimens. Despite these efforts, my symptoms persisted, leaving me frustrated and desperate for a real solution.

But everything changed when I shifted my focus from treating symptoms to understanding and healing the gut-brain connection. This breakthrough led not only to my recovery but also shaped my professional mission.

With over 20 years in the gut health space, first as a sufferer and then as a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner and Somatic Experiencing Practitioner, I've refined a unique approach that has transformed the lives of dozens of clients. I combine deep scientific knowledge with holistic practices to address the root causes of IBS, not just the symptoms.

Today, I'm thrilled to share these insights with you. Our masterclass isn't just about managing IBS—it's about ending it. Join me to transform your understanding of health and reclaim your life back from chronic symptoms.

Are You Skeptical? You Have Every Right to Be.

Given all the different treatments you've likely tried—countless diets, supplements, tests, and quick-fix protocols—it's natural to feel a bit wary about yet another approach claiming to be the solution. Most of my clients felt the same way before they joined us; they were tired of temporary reliefs that didn't address the core of their suffering.

This is why our masterclass is different:

  •  Undervalued Approach: What we'll explore is often overlooked in mainstream gut health discussions. This isn't just another diet or supplement routine; it's about fundamentally understanding how your body communicates between your gut and your brain and a the missing piece that improves that communication. 
  •  Proven Yet Unique: My approach is backed by nearly two decades in the gut healing space, both personally and professionally. This is not theory; it's applied knowledge that has changed lives, including mine.
  •  Comprehensive Healing: We're not just targeting symptoms. We aim to transform your entire well-being—mentally, physically, and emotionally. Prepare to look beyond your gut symptoms to achieve a more fulfilling and healthy life.

I know it's hard to believe in yet another solution, especially after years of disappointment. This masterclass is designed to shift your perspective from merely treating symptoms to understanding the core systems that influence your health, including some surprising elements you might not have considered before.

Join us to discover a foundational approach that just might change your entire life! 

ready to stop living in fear of flare-ups and start living with confidence and trust in your body?

Join the masterclass!