Reclaim your life from the IBS-stress cycle without adding more stress from restrictive diets and complex protocols.



You're no rookie in the gut-healing world.

You've taken on the role of investigator in your own healing journey for quite a while now.

 You know stress makes your IBS worse, but the stress management tools you are trying only give temporary relief.

Those suggested diets (I'm looking at you, low-FODMAP) and supplement protocols? They seemed to offer your symptoms a mere "time out."

 At this point you have no idea what's going on in your body and live in fear of the next flare-up.

  You've tried so many different supplements by now you've lost count and have no idea what's been helpful. 

 Each meal turns into a game of symptom roulette, leaving you uncertain whether you'll be unbuckling your pants or spending extra time on the toilet.

It feels like your life revolves around your symptoms.

But you would rather have it revolve around your hobbies, passions, and loved ones. 

Your gut issues are not “all in your head.”

But, they may be in the communication between your head and gut.

That stressed mind can be negatively impacting your gut, and the imbalance in your gut can be negatively impacting your mind. They are linked through the gut-brain axis, and influenced by the state of our nervous system. By working with me through gut-brain healing, I can help you:

  • Improve your gut health, emotions, and mental states via nervous system regulation and nutritional therapy
  • Feel empowered in your healing by understanding the true root cause of your symptoms and how to navigate them with ease
  • Trust your body and let it guide you to your ultimate healing – no more food anxiety or overwhelming google searches

You can feel completely resilient, present, and full of flow in your day-to-day life! No fears around food, facing flare-ups, or staying on top of expensive supplements. No controlling or restriction necessary.

 Are you ready? If so, then it's time to Trust Your Gut.

Welcome, I'm Demi!

I help those struggling with the IBS-stress cycle reclaim their lives through my unique blend of nervous system regulation, trauma healing, and nutritional therapy. This approach transforms their relationship to stress and leads to a fully enjoyed life, free from the burden of symptoms.

My framework stands apart by steering clear of restrictive diet and supplement protocols. Instead, we focus on supporting the nervous system and integrating it with nutritional therapy to nourish the body comprehensively. This method not only heals the nervous system from chronic and traumatic stress but also addresses the true foundational causes - facilitating deep and lasting healing.

My practice blends a lifetime of embodied wisdom in this field from my own life-long IBS journey, with my training as a Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner and Somatic Experiencing® practitioner.

It's where gut healing and nutritional therapy meets nervous system regulation and healing chronic and traumatic stress.  


Gut Issues? Find Out If Your Nervous System Is The Cause!

If you have IBS or other gut issues, then your nervous system is involved! Take this quiz to find out your dominant nervous system state and how it's impacting your digestive and mental health. You will also receive a video with effective somatic tools to shift that state and start feeling better NOW!

Join the free masterclass! 

Discover the Missing Piece to Break Free from the IBS-Stress Cycle

Learn why traditional approaches fail and how healing your gut-brain connection can provide lasting relief.

Feeling stuck in an endless loop of gut issues, stress, and ineffective treatments? You're not alone. Join us to explore my groundbreaking approach that goes beyond diets and quick fixes to address the (hidden) root cause of your symptoms.


Gut-Brain Healing Toolkit

Welcome to the most comprehensive gut-brain healing program!

An empowering journey that hands you the roadmap to reclaim your life from the grip of IBS and chronic stress symptoms.

This program guides you in understanding your body’s unique needs, transforms your relationship to stress, and leads to a life free from the burden of symptoms. We'll craft your personalized toolkit for regulating your nervous system, healing chronic and traumatic stress, and optimizing your gut health. 

So you can stop living in fear of flare-ups and start living with confidence and trust in your body.


Work with me 1:1

This is for you if you are ready to dive deeply into understanding your personal nervous system responses, unique microbiome balance, and the true reasons behind your symptoms. If you are looking for direct support, with personalized recommendations, and bio-individual guidance, then click below to learn more about 1:1 work.

Currently on a waitlist! 

You can sign up for the waitlist to be notified first when space is available. 


Trust Your Gut Podcast

The Trust Your Gut podcast dives into the world of the mind-body connection. We explore the emerging science of the gut-brain axis and microbiome, while harnessing the power of intuition and connection to spirit. We dig into nervous system health and trauma, understanding how this is a key piece in our gut-brain and overall health imbalances, and learn new resources for building resilience.⁣

⁣If you struggle with chronic digestive and mental stress, and are tired of trying “just one more diet” to address your symptoms, then this is the place for you.⁣

⁣Sprinkled with personal stories of a lifetime of chronic gut-brain symptoms and a deep exploration of her inner world, Demi is here to help guide you to trust your gut.


“Working with Demi gave me profound insight into how my gut health is linked with trauma from my past & recurring stressors in my life.

Through our in-depth, vulnerable, and compassionate conversations, I have gained greater awareness of what inner work I have needed to address in order to be freed from old patterns and allowed to re-imagine my life. I am in awe of how much has shifted in my life since I began working with Demi 6-months ago. If you were to recruit anyone to be an ally on the journey towards higher vibrational health and self-awareness, Demi is a damn good choice!" 

- Julie Holder

"I found that with Demi's whole body approach (and I mean ALL the diverse system integrating together), she was able to crack me open into a new level of awareness.

Demi created an amazingly safe and open platform for me to begin looking deeper into my health and well-being. I strongly stand behind Demi’s methods of health and mood analysis to better understand what my body is already trying to tell me. Demi has helped unlock that language so I can listen more intently and discover how to best nourish, nurture, and live my best life."

Kat S

“My first SE session absolutely rocked my world and I continued to feel its gentle yet powerful aftershocks for days to come.

Some old and hard habits and belief systems that I knew didn’t serve me (and yet couldn’t seem to shake) suddenly and seemingly just melted away. I made some subtle yet enormous changes in my life and it was like a whole new piece of my world opened up to me. It has been a wonderful journey of discovery and healing ever since."

- Ana Ally