Gut-Brain Healing Foundations

Discover how to break free from the IBS-stress cycle with our unique approach, focusing on the often-overlooked connection between your nervous system and gut health.

Join now and take the first step towards a life where your well-being is no longer overshadowed by IBS and chronic stress, without the need for restrictive diets or overwhelming protocols.

This is where your true transformation begins.


 Your gut issues are not "all in your head."

But, they may be in the communication between your head and gut. 

IBS is the result of miscommunication between your gut and your brain.

It's like that couple with a never-ending conflict over the household chores - they just needed to learn how to communicate better.

Your mental stress can make your gut symptoms flare, and the imbalance in your gut can make you feel more stressed.

Cue the vicious cycle of symptoms and stress you can't seem to get out of. 

When you seek help to heal your IBS and chronic stress, you've been given a low-FODMAP handout, an overwhelming supplement protocol to eradicate SIBO or dysbiosis, and told you need to reduce your stress. 

Or even worse, that it's "all in your head."

You know stress makes your IBS worse, but the stress management tools you are trying only give temporary relief.

Those suggested diets and supplement protocols? They seem to offer your symptoms a mere "time out."

At this point you have no idea what's going on in your body and live in fear of the next flare-up. It often feels like your live revolves around your symptoms.

Each meal turns into a game of symptom roulette, leaving you uncertain whether you'll be unbuckling your pants or spending extra time on the toilet.

If this rings true, you may be looking for that missing piece you just haven't found yet. 

I got you.  

Here's something not everybody knows:

The health of your nervous system is key to the health of your gut-brain.

By improving the health of your autonomic nervous system, you can improve the communication issues between your gut and brain. They are deeply connected, and we can't treat IBS and mental stress without looking at the health of our nervous system. 


Watch this quick video to understand how it's all connected. 




Why is this important? 

Because nervous system dysregulation is an often overlooked root cause of IBS. 

It's also linked to chronic stress and anxiety (and that dip into depression) you likely feel. 

If we don't address our nervous system health when it comes to our IBS healing, we'll find that all those diets, supplement protocols, and stress management tools only get us so far. 

Let me explain why:

 Digestion begins in the brain & nervous system. It then travels in a top to bottom process. We must consider this process in our healing approach. If we don't, we often find that relief is not lasting or sustainable. 

 When trying to manage our stress, we are using tools that aren't appropriate for the current state of our nervous system.

 There are often deep patterns of dysregulation in the nervous system (due to chronic & traumatic stress) that need to be healed and reprogrammed. If not, they keep your body in a stress response cycle. 


But don't worry, I've created a program to walk you through the foundational steps to healing your gut-brain symptoms.


Here's what we'll do together inside the program:


Learn how your digestive and mental health influence each other, and how to improve the communication between your gut & brain.


Gain deep insights into your nervous system. Learn how to effectively map your own responses and triggers for a better understanding of your body's innate signals.


Access our extensive library of somatic tools. These tools are designed for effective nervous system regulation, promoting long-term gut health and stress resilience.

Which of these sound like you?

You feel like you've tried everything, yet you still struggle with…

✔ Chronic digestive symptoms like gas, bloating, stomach pain, nausea, heartburn, constipation, or diarrhea.

✔  Mental stress symptoms like anxiety, overwhelm, obsessive thinking, depression, dissociation, or brain fog.

✔  Confusion about what's genuinely helping after trying various gut-friendly diets and supplements.

✔  Incorporating meditation, yoga, or stress management tools, but the relief is fleeting.

✔  Following protocols for SIBO, dysbiosis, or candida overgrowthbut your symptoms keep returning.

✔  Feeling overwhelmed and disheartened as you deeply desire a better, stress-free connection with food and your body.

To solve these problems you find yourself:

 Eliminating more foods from your diet and constantly obsessing over your symptoms and bowel movements. Which makes you miserable!

Many IBS sufferers will believe SIBO or dysbiosis is the cause of their symptoms.

Unfortunately, I’ve seen time and time again clients who have been on a protocol to address their SIBO/dysbiosis for YEARS, and they STILL don’t feel better.

Why is this?

We want to ask - what created the environment in the first place for these imbalances to develop?

Most often that is chronic and traumatic stress (aka nervous system dysregulation).

let me drop a truth bomb:

50-74% of those with IBS report having childhood trauma or adverse early life experiences

This statistic highlights the profound impact of our nervous system's health on our gut-brain connection.

So, if you've been dealing with chronic symptoms for a while and haven't found effective solutions, this is an essential area to explore.

With this knowledge, we're able to identify the root factors of our symptoms and stress, leading to long-term healing on every level. 


"I found that with Demi's whole body approach (and I mean ALL the diverse systems integrating together), she was able to crack me open into a new level of awareness.

Demi created an amazingly safe and open platform for me to begin looking deeper into my health and well-being. She took time to not only understand my daily routines and discomforts, but also wanted to learn more about my emotional patterning and spiritual health. I strongly stand behind Demi’s methods of health and mood analysis to better understand what my body is already trying to tell me. Demi has helped unlock that language so I can listen more intently and discover how to best nourish, nurture, and live my best life."

- Kat S

“I am in awe of how much has shifted in my life since I began working with Demi 6 months ago.

Working with Demi gave me profound insight into how my gut health is linked with trauma from my past & recurring stressors in my life. She sees the whole picture and understands how our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual bodies connect and interact with one another. I was so impressed with the potency of our sessions. Her ability to evoke deep healing, offer profound insight, and ask fierce questions is reason alone to hire her. 

Through our in-depth, vulnerable, and compassionate conversations, I have gained greater awareness of what inner work I have needed to address in order to be freed from old patterns and allowed to re-imagine my life.

- Julie Holder

“This program has made a HUGE difference in my overall health!

Before this program, I didn’t understand how my nervous system had been affected by trauma, and how it all affected my gut. This program is the only source I have found that puts it all together. It has made a HUGE difference in my overall health! I have experienced major positive shifts with my health and life working with this material. Learning how to regulate my nervous system has been game changing! Understanding the mind-body connections and a deeper self-awareness is key.”

- Penny Dickson

“Knowing the answer I've been searching for all along is huge. 

My struggle with chronic digestive issues led me to this program. My past trauma and lack of understanding how my body functions was preventing me from getting where I wanted to. After this program, I definitely understand my body better. This program finally allowed me to understand WHY I was experiencing digestive issues in the first place. Knowing the answer I've been searching for all along is huge. I'm beyond pleased. There was SO much content, but all of it was actually useful (not fluff). It's clear that Demi put a tremendous amount of effort into this program, and a lifetime of exploration before that. Really stellar jam-packed program."

- Emily MacKenzie


Gut-Brain Healing 


Welcome an approach that redefines the journey of healing IBS. 

This program is your first step towards breaking free from the constraints of the IBS-stress cycles - without any talk of diets or protocols!

In our program, you'll dive into the essentials of gut-brain health, gaining clear, actionable insights into how your digestion affects your mental state and vice versa.

We'll guide you through simple yet powerful techniques to soothe your nervous system, improve your gut health, and enhance overall well-being. It's a practical and effective approach to deep healing and lasting relief. 

This program is specially crafted for those who have a handle on nutrition and digestive support but are seeking a deeper understanding of the crucial role of nervous system regulation in gut health.

when you join us inside the foundational program, you'll get instant & lifetime access to...

The essential first phase to not only finding relief from the IBS-stress cycle...

but to transforming your entire life.

Foundation 1

The Gut-Brain Connection & Vagus Nerve

 Establish your knowledge about the gut-brain connection and it's different components, such as:

  •  The enteric nervous system (our gut's own nervous system)
  •  Neurotransmitters and how they impact our moods and gut functions
  •  The role of the vagus nerve

 You will then work through our signature somatic exercises to increase your vagal tone and improve the communication between your gut and brain. 

Foundation 2

Nervous System Regulation & Stress Response

 Establish your knowledge about the autonomic nervous system and it’s various states.

 You’ll learn how each state impacts your physical, mental, emotional, and digestive health.

 Understand how the stress response works in your body.

 Map your personal nervous system responses and use that to guide you through the huge library of somatic tools for regulating your nervous system & processing emotions.

 Explore a variety of video and audio practices to help you learn the language of your nervous system and how it’s impacting your symptoms.

And there is more!

When you sign up, you'll also get this awesome bonus:


Community Support

Connect with Demi for personalized guidance and enjoy the collective support of fellow participants in our dedicated Slack channel as you progress through the program.

Available for 3 months from date of enrollment. 

Imagine this...

Your life after joining Gut-Brain Healing Foundations...

 Master Nervous System Regulation for Symptom Control: Gain a deep understanding of your symptoms through the lens of nervous system health. Learn to navigate flare-ups with a sense of control and ease, using tools that directly influence your body's stress response.

 Build Resilience and Emotional Balance: Strengthen your nervous system's resilience against stressors. Experience a newfound sense of balance, presence, and joy, as your nervous system learns to maintain a state of safety and openness, enhancing your ability to adapt and flow with life's challenges.

 Foster a Harmonious Body-Mind Relationship: Cultivate a deeper connection with your body, attuning to its signals through nervous system awareness. Build a trusting relationship with your body, understanding its needs for optimal health and comfort.

 Emotional Well-Being Linked with Gut Health: Experience a holistic improvement in mood and emotional well-being, as you work through nervous system regulation techniques that also benefit your gut health.

Working with Demi has truly been such a gift and transformation in my life.

When I first started working with her, I was working in the health and wellness field and was deep into my own healing journey. But one thing I realized about Demi was that she seemed to be one of the only people to be hitting the nail on the head when it comes to true healing. I've struggled for many years with physical symptoms such as chronic gut issues, constipation, candida/yeast issues, parasites, bloating, weight gain, skin issues. It wasn't until working with Demi was I finally able to link some of these issues to nervous system dysregulation, and come to the awareness that my traumas, anxiety, dissociation, and people pleasing were all playing a part in the continuation of my physical symptoms. She has helped me put language to so much of my truth and healing journey. 

Although I have studied topics in medicine, health and wellness for many years, Demi was the first one to educate me so thoroughly about the nervous system, and has provided me with valuable tools to help me self regulate. I love how she teaches the body first approach to healing which works for me personally because I have pretty much lived my whole life in fight or flight. I feel right where I am supposed to be on my healing journey working with Demi as we dive deep into self discovery and true self healing from the inside out. Demi is an incredibly gifted teacher, healer, speaker, and overall human. It is so refreshing to be working with a practitioner who truly practices what they preach. She seems to really be in the flow with this work- you can sense her passion for supporting others to get to the root cause of their health issues in everything she does. 

I would highly recommend working with Demi as she is out there doing what no other healers I have come across are doing. Thanks Demi you are so gifted and I cannot wait to continue working with you and to watch how your practice grows! "

- Katie Kelly

Join Gut-Brain Healing Foundations





You’ll get immediate and lifetime access to:

  • Gut-Brain Connection: Learn how your digestive and mental health influence each other, and how to improve the communication between your gut & brain.
  • Vagus Nerve MasteryExplore the pivotal role of the vagus nerve as a mediator between your gut and brain. Learn our signature vagal tone exercises, crafted to enhance your vagal tone and promote a sense of calm and balance.
  • Learn the Language of your Nervous System: Gain deep insights into your nervous system. Learn how to effectively map your own responses and triggers for a better understanding of your body's innate signals
  • Regulation with Somatic Tools: Access our extensive library of somatic tools. These tools are designed for effective nervous system regulation, promoting long-term gut health and stress resilience.

Including this amazing bonuses:

  • Community Support - connect with Demi for personalized guidance and enjoy the collective support of fellow participants in our dedicated Slack channel as you progress through the program. Available for 3 months from date of enrollment. ($150 value)





You’ll get immediate and lifetime access to:

  • Gut-Brain Connection: Learn how your digestive and mental health influence each other, and how to improve the communication between your gut & brain.
  • Vagus Nerve MasteryExplore the pivotal role of the vagus nerve as a mediator between your gut and brain. Learn our signature vagal tone exercises, crafted to enhance your vagal tone and promote a sense of calm and balance.
  • Learn the Language of your Nervous System: Gain deep insights into your nervous system. Learn how to effectively map your own responses and triggers for a better understanding of your body's innate signals
  • Regulation with Somatic Tools: Access our extensive library of somatic tools. These tools are designed for effective nervous system regulation, promoting long-term gut health and stress resilience.

Including this amazing bonuses:

  • Community Support - connect with Demi for personalized guidance and enjoy the collective support of fellow participants in our dedicated Slack channel as you progress through the program. Available for 3 months from date of enrollment. ($150 value)

Meet your practitioner

Hi, I'm Demi!


I help those struggling with the IBS-stress cycle reclaim their life through my unique approach of nervous system regulation, trauma healing, and nutritional therapy so they can regain trust in their body and build resilience towards stressors and symptoms.

My approach blends my lifetime of embodied wisdom in this field, my foundation as a Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, with my current training as a Somatic Experiencing® practitioner.

It's where gut healing and nutritional therapy meets nervous system regulation and healing chronic and traumatic stress.  

For 17 years I have been on a personal journey of healing my own chronic gut-brain imbalances. 

I now feel lovingly connected to my body and intuition, have the deepest awareness of why my symptoms came to be, and my gut is the happiest it's ever been.

The best part is, if symptoms or mental triggers pop up, I know exactly how to work through them without feeling defeated.

But it wasn't always this way...

All my life I have struggled with many of the symptoms you do: chronic constipation, IBS, anxiety, depression, and obsessive-compulsive thinking. 

As a teenager, at the end of my rope with suffering, and fed up with doctors telling me to just take laxatives and fiber supplements, I decided to take matters into my own hands.

This is when I first found relief through changing my diet and utilizing natural supplements. This sent me down a path of experimenting with all the gut healing protocols and diets I could find. 

While dialing in my nutrition provided a lot of benefit to my overall well-being and gut issues, I found myself still stuck in the cycle of symptoms and becoming more anxious about eating the wrong thing. There had to be something more that I was missing… 

The missing piece was the connection with my nervous system. My system was over-activated in sympathetic (fight or flight) all the time, and therefore I could never truly heal. 

All the wonderful diets, supplements, and healing modalities were helpful, but while I was dysregulated in my nervous system, they were only going to do so much.

This is not something that is commonly addressed by doctors or practitioners when we seek support with such symptoms. Yet, it is the often the root cause!

So to address this problem, Trust Your Gut was born! 

This is for you if:

✔  You are tired of restrictive diets and supplement protocols that you aren’t sure are actually helping.

  You are open-minded, committed to your healing, and curious to explore new ways of relating to your body and symptoms.

  You are interested in learning about your nervous system and implementing somatic (body) based practices. 

This is not for you if:

 You are looking for a quick fix. This level of healing takes time.

✗ You are struggling with serious mental health conditions or distress that would be better suited to 1:1 support with a therapist.

✗ You have serious trauma, PTSD, or CPTSD that you have yet to seek external support from. That is best suited for 1:1 support with a therapist. 

*If you aren’t sure if this program is right for you or not, please reach out to ask: [email protected]

“My first SE session absolutely rocked my world and I continued to feel its gentle yet powerful aftershocks for days to come.

When I first started reading Demi's Instagram posts I remember thinking, “Yes! This is how we need to be thinking about and working with health and wellness. This is it!” It was exactly what I had been looking for.

Except, being the poor, highly indebted millennial that I am, I just couldn’t justify spending more money on more doctors. I have already spent more than I can admit, and I was still in very poor health. I’m not entirely sure what changed my mind, but after finally talking with Demi I knew it was going to be worth it.

Demi displayed a true passion for her work, a strong desire to help her clients, and used very clear and concise language to not only help me feel connected and understood, but that also showed me just how much interdisciplinary knowledge she truly holds. On so many different levels I knew I could trust her completely. 

I was especially excited to work with Somatic Experiencing. Some old, hard habits and belief systems that I knew didn’t serve me (and yet couldn’t seem to shake) suddenly and seemingly just melted away. I made some subtle yet enormous changes in my life and it was like a whole new piece of my world opened up to me. It has been a wonderful journey of discovery and healing ever since.

I am so happy that I took the plunge and gave it one more try. So worth it! I only wish I had found her sooner. Thank you Demi!"

- Ana Ally

Stop being at war with your body and start trusting it. 

Do you scour Google, social media, and podcasts looking for answers but end up feeling like your drowning in the sea of wellness advice? 

It's more overwhelming than dodging Aunt Susie's unsolicited relationship advice at a family reunion.

So how do we figure out what is actually going to help us?

through tuning in and listening to your body's innate wisdom & messages

I get it, some of you you might be thinking, 'Demi, cut the airy-fairy talk.

This isn't some fluffy, woo-woo idea. It's firmly grounded in the science of the mind-body connection – a scientific truth.

Which, by the way, the gut-brain connection creates the foundation of! 

Your body holds the key to ultimate healing because chronic and traumatic stress is encoded in the nervous system, not just the events themselves.

Our bodies store life's memories and experiences, often expressed through symptoms. By learning to listen to your body, it will reveal what it needs to heal.

In fact: 

80% of information travels from our body to brain, whereas only 20% travels from brain to body. 

This is why somatic (body-based) approaches are so effective for improving symptoms and stress. 

We use these somatic tools to learn the language of our nervous system, connect to our intuition, and strengthen the communication between body and mind. 


are you ready to trust your gut?


Frequently Asked Questions

Real talk, my friend

I know you feel hesitant to try “just one more thing…”

Maybe you've sought help but felt brushed off by doctors, rushed through by practitioners, and given more supplement protocols than answers. 

Maybe you've already invested too much money into trying to solve your symptoms and you are afraid to invest more.

Perhaps you have felt like no one really listened, understood, or helped so you had to take matters into your own hands. But now you are feeling overwhelmed and unsure of what the next step is.

You may even be feeling absolutely defeated and helpless at this point.

I know all to well what it's like to be there and I want to offer a different pathway to healing:

  One in which you are truly heard and seen. Not rushed through an office. 
 Where you are guided in connecting your symptoms to your emotions, patterns, life experience, and trauma. Not just something you ate.
  In which you are supported in connecting more deeply to your body and it's innate wisdom, and use that wisdom to guide your healing. Not some generalized protocol.

Join Gut-Brain Healing Foundations





You’ll get immediate and lifetime access to:

  • Gut-Brain Connection: Learn how your digestive and mental health influence each other, and how to improve the communication between your gut & brain.
  • Vagus Nerve MasteryExplore the pivotal role of the vagus nerve as a mediator between your gut and brain. Learn our signature vagal tone exercises, crafted to enhance your vagal tone and promote a sense of calm and balance.
  • Learn the Language of your Nervous System: Gain deep insights into your nervous system. Learn how to effectively map your own responses and triggers for a better understanding of your body's innate signals
  • Regulation with Somatic Tools: Access our extensive library of somatic tools. These tools are designed for effective nervous system regulation, promoting long-term gut health and stress resilience.

Including this amazing bonuses:

  • Community Support - connect with Demi for personalized guidance and enjoy the collective support of fellow participants in our dedicated Slack channel as you progress through the program. Available for 3 months from date of enrollment. ($150 value)





You’ll get immediate and lifetime access to:

  • Gut-Brain Connection: Learn how your digestive and mental health influence each other, and how to improve the communication between your gut & brain.
  • Vagus Nerve MasteryExplore the pivotal role of the vagus nerve as a mediator between your gut and brain. Learn our signature vagal tone exercises, crafted to enhance your vagal tone and promote a sense of calm and balance.
  • Learn the Language of your Nervous System: Gain deep insights into your nervous system. Learn how to effectively map your own responses and triggers for a better understanding of your body's innate signals
  • Regulation with Somatic Tools: Access our extensive library of somatic tools. These tools are designed for effective nervous system regulation, promoting long-term gut health and stress resilience.

Including this amazing bonuses:

  • Community Support - connect with Demi for personalized guidance and enjoy the collective support of fellow participants in our dedicated Slack channel as you progress through the program. Available for 3 months from date of enrollment. ($150 value)