One-on-one container

Are you feeling defeated, overwhelmed, and tired of trying to heal your symptoms all on your own?

Maybe you've sought help but felt brushed off by doctors, rushed through by practitioners, and given more supplement protocols than answers. 

I know what it's like to be at the point where you feel helpless, and I want to offer you a new pathway to healing. 

One where you are truly heard. Guided in connecting symptoms to your emotions, patterns, childhood, and trauma. Where you are supported in connecting more deeply to your body and your innate wisdom and using that to guide our work, and your healing.

If you are looking for individual support personalized to you, then one-on-one is the container to do so.


One-on-one work is perfect for you if...

  You have chronic digestive symptoms like gas, bloating, stomach pain, nausea, heartburn, IBS, constipation, or diarrhea.

  You also struggle with mental stress symptoms like anxiety, overwhelm, obsessive thinking, depression, dissociation, or brain fog.

  You have been eating a healthy, gut-friendly diet for a while, along with the "right" supplements, yet your symptoms are still there.

  You have incorporated meditation, yoga, or other healing modalities into your life yet your gut is still acting out, you feel triggered, and can't seem to shake your mental stress.

  You've found out you have SIBO, dysbiosis, low stomach acid, candida overgrowth, or something else, yet addressing these conditions hasn't given you the relief you want.

  You are overwhelmed, frustrated, confused, and disheartened by trying to solve your symptoms and just want to feel better!

✔  You deeply desire let go of stress and control around your symptoms and trust your body.


What do we do?

  • Get to know and map your personal nervous system responses
  • Create a timeline of your symptom history and connect it to experiences
  • Identify patterns, protective mechanisms, survival states, and core beliefs
  • Somatic experiencing sessions to process chronic and traumatic stress
  • Nervous system regulation tools and resources that work for you
  • Stool testing and personalized microbiome support protocols
  • Address gut symptoms via lifestyle and nutritional support
  • May utilize emotional release work, inner child work, and parts work


Logistical bits:

I recommend clients commit to minimum of 4 sessions

  • Each container includes a 2 hour initial consultation and 75 minute sessions 
  • Online client folder to share follow-ups from appointments, recommendations, and resources
  • Email communication between sessions to ask questions and seek support
  • Professional grade supplement discounts available


Hi, I'm Demi!

I help those struggling with the IBS-stress cycle reclaim their life through my unique approach of nervous system regulation, trauma healing, and nutritional therapy so they can regain trust in their body and build resilience towards stressors and symptoms.

All my life I have struggled with chronic gut-brain imbalances, such as IBS, dysbiosis, anxiety, and obsessive-compulsive thinking. As a teenager, I became fed up with suffering, and dove deeply into researching and experimenting with all the gut healing protocols and diets I could find over the past 15 years. This led me down a path of deep inner work, providing great insight to what I consider the most important tools in approaching gut-brain healing.

My approach blends my foundation as a Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner with my current training as a Somatic Experiencing® Practitioner. This is where holistic health, microbiome balancing, and gut healing, meets nervous system regulation and processing trauma.

Interested in working one-on-one?

Book a free 30 minute discovery call.

Let's chat for 30 minutes about your struggles, your desires, and how I may be able to help! There is no pressure to make any decision during this call.