$310.00 USD

6 monthly payments

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Gut-Brain Healing Toolkit

When you join us inside the Gut-Brain Healing Toolkit, you’ll be handed the map to reclaim your life from the grip of IBS and chronic stress symptoms.

This program guides you in understanding your body’s unique needs and workings while cultivating resilience to symptoms and stressors. We'll craft your personalized toolkit for regulating your nervous system, healing chronic and traumatic stress, and optimizing your gut health.

So you can stop living in fear of flare-ups and start living with confidence and trust in your body.

It’s your key to not only finding relief from your IBS, but to transforming your entire life.

What’s inside:

You’ll get immediate and lifetime access to:

  • 6 modules that will help you will walk you through the 5 step framework for transforming and healing your gut-brain symptoms.
  • An entire resource library of somatic practices, vagal tone exercises, nervous system tools, trauma healing modalities, and digestive support guides. 
  • Gut health assessment and PDF guides to point you in the right direction for supporting your digestion and microbiome.
  • Monthly live workshops with Demi to expand on the program content, go through live demonstrations, and have Q & A.
  • Access to the modules, community, and live calls for the lifetime of the program. 

Including these amazing bonuses:

  • Monthly Office Hours with Demi - sign up for a 30 min slot each month (for 6 months) to meet with Demi 1-on-1 to receive individualized support. ($600 value)
  • Lifetime community support to connect with others who understand what you are going through, share support, and ask each other (and Demi) questions. ($2,000 value)
  • Nutrition Training & Meal Template  - done for you meal template to make sure your diet is including all the best microbiome supporting foods and macronutrients + a bonus training digging into the 5 pillars of optimal nutrition. ($300 value)
  • Supplement Guide & Discounts - done for you supplement recommendations and protocols with practitioner quality brands and discounts for whatever part of your digestive health needs support. ($150 value)

Still have questions?

Email Demi at [email protected]

What Clients Are Saying:

This program has made a HUGE difference in my overall health! Before this program, I didn’t understand how my nervous system had been affected by trauma, and how it all affected my gut. This program is the only source I have found that puts it all together. I have experienced major positive shifts with my health and life working with this material. Learning how to regulate my nervous system has been game changing! Understanding the mind-body connections and a deeper self-awareness is key.

Penny Dickson

My struggle with chronic digestive issues led me to this program. My past trauma and lack of understanding how my body functions was preventing me from getting where I wanted to. After this program, I definitely understand my body better. This program finally allowed me to understand WHY I was experiencing digestive issues in the first place. Knowing the answer I've been searching for all along is huge. I'm beyond pleased. There was SO much content, but all of it was actually useful (not fluff). It's clear that Demi put a tremendous amount of effort into this program, and a lifetime of exploration before that. Really stellar jam-packed program.

Emily MacKenzie

Demi’s work was exactly what I had been looking for. Except, being the poor, highly indebted millennial that I am, I just couldn’t justify spending more money on more doctors. I have already spent more than I can admit, and I was still in very poor health. I’m not entirely sure what changed my mind, but after finally talking with Demi I knew it was going to be worth it. My first SE session absolutely rocked my world and I continued to feel its gentle yet powerful aftershocks for days to come. Some old, hard habits and belief systems that I knew didn’t serve me (and yet couldn’t seem to shake) suddenly and seemingly just melted away. I made some subtle yet enormous changes in my life and it was like a whole new piece of my world opened up to me. It has been a wonderful journey of discovery and healing ever since. I am so happy that I took the plunge and gave it one more try. So worth it! I only wish I had found her sooner.

Ana Ally

Working with Demi has truly been such a gift and transformation in my life. I've struggled for many years with physical symptoms such as chronic gut issues, constipation, candida/yeast issues, parasites, bloating, weight gain, skin issues. It wasn't until working with Demi was I finally able to link some of these issues to nervous system dysregulation, and come to the awareness that my traumas, anxiety, dissociation, and people pleasing were all playing a part in the continuation of my physical symptoms. She has helped me put language to so much of my truth and healing journey.  I feel right where I am supposed to be on my healing journey working with Demi as we dive deep into self discovery and true self healing from the inside out.

Katie Kelly

Working with Demi gave me profound insight into how my gut health is linked with trauma from my past & recurring stressors in my life. Through our in-depth, vulnerable, and compassionate conversations, I have gained greater awareness of what inner work I have needed to address in order to be freed from old patterns and allowed to re-imagine my life. I am in awe of how much has shifted in my life since I began working with Demi 6-months ago. If you were to recruit anyone to be an ally on the journey towards higher vibrational health and self-awareness, Demi is a damn good choice!

Julie Holder